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HPV vaccination 18+

Last year began the campaign that offered men and women born between Jan. 1, 1996 and Dec. 31, 2003 the chance to get an HPV vaccination. The HPV vaccination series consists of two vaccinations. 

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to get a vaccination in our region. 

HPV Information Line South Limburg

HPV Information Line South Limburg

Do you have questions about the HPV virus or the vaccination? Or would you like to discuss your concerns? Then contact the HPV Information Line South Limburg. You can also come here for practical questions about your appointment or the location. Our colleagues are ready to help you from Monday to Friday between 8:30-12:15 and 13:00-17:00.

088 880 5078

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What is HPV? 

HPV is the abbreviation for human papillomavirus. This is a virus that can cause several types of cancer. Cervical cancer is the most common. There are many different HPV types, but types 16 and 18 most often lead to cancer. The HPV vaccine we use in the Netherlands protects against these 2 types of HPV.

How do you get HPV?

HPV is highly contagious and very common. The virus is transmitted through the hands, skin, or mouth when you have sex with someone who is infected.  The person you are with can carry the virus without knowing it. And then you can get infected too.

Who can get vaccinated?

19- to 26-year-olds

Protection against the HPV virus consists of 2 vaccinations. Right now, you can only get the 2nd free HPV shot. You can get this one for free if you had the 1st vaccination last year. There are no more free 1st HPV vaccinations at this time.
Last year, the HPV 18+ vaccination campaign began. This campaign offers young men and women the opportunity to get HPV vaccinations. It covers men and women born between Jan. 1, 1996 and Dec. 31, 2003. Men and women who got their first shot in 2023 can also get their 2nd shot for free until June 1, 2024.  

Other age categories

For children under 18 years of age, the HPV vaccination is part of RIVM's annual National Vaccination Program. They are not covered by this catch-up campaign. This is because the HPV vaccine works best when you have not yet been infected with the virus. Therefore, starting in 2022, girls and boys will already receive an invitation for the vaccination in the year they turn 10. Chances are they will not yet be infected by then.

Are you 27 or older and would like to be vaccinated against HPV? Then too, you will not be part of this catch-up campaign in 2023. But you can make an appointment through your family doctor for an HPV vaccination. You will then have to pay for this vaccination yourself.

1 vaccine protects against differtent types of cancer

1 vaccine protects against differtent types of cancer

We estimate that yearly 1,100 women and 400 men get cancer from HPV. The HPV vaccine protects you against cervical, oral, pharyngeal, vaginal, vulva, anus and penile cancers. If you get vaccinated, you protect yourself and others from HPV. A vaccination doesn't mean that you are 100% protected, but it gives you a much lower chance of getting cancer from HPV. To be protected you need 2 vaccinations that are at least 5 months apart.

HPV Choice Tool

HPV Choice Tool

We understand that young people and their parents have questions about the HPV vaccination. Do I want to get this shot or not? That's why the HPV choice tool has been developed to help make a decision. Based on questions, you will receive personalized advice. There is also a lot of background information. Go to www.hpvkeuzehulp.nl and find out all about the HPV vaccination.

Note: Only available in Dutch. Call with our HPV information line to get further assistance.

10 facts about HPV Click here