U bevindt zich op:EnglishSexual healthIf you work in the sex industry

If you work in the sex industry

Are you a man, woman or transgender who earns money or goods in exchange for sex? Then you are welcome to visit the GGD. You can contact us for an appointment about:

  • a free, anonymous STI test and HIV test, and for treatment of an STI;
  • free hepatitis B vaccination
  • all your sex-related questions

If you work in the sex industry, we advise that you undergo a periodical STI check-up twice a year. Do you have symptoms, have you been warned about an STI or did a condom slip off or get damaged during your work in the sex industry? If so, you should contact us, even if you already had two periodical STI check-ups this year.

What does the GGD do for sex workers?

What does the GGD do for sex workers?

GGD has a prostitution team especially for women, men and transgenders who work in the sex industry. This team is made up of social nurses and doctors.

The prostitution team visits clubs and erotic massage salons two to three times a year: sex workers are offered free, anonymous STI tests and hepatitis B vaccinations. The prostitution team is also active on internet sites, such as kinky, speurders, sexjobs, etc.

If you are a sex worker, you might want to check the following websites for information about your work.