U bevindt zich op:EnglishSexual healthMen who have sex with other men

Men who have sex with other men

Are you a man who (also) has sex with other men (MSM)? In that case we advise you to undergo a periodical check-up twice a year.

It is important to undergo an STI test if you have symptoms, have been warned about an STI or if you used a defect condom. Do this, even if you already had two periodical check-ups. If in doubt, contact the GGD. 

Phone or e-mail Contact

What can the GGD do for you?

What can the GGD do for you?

You can also contact the GGD, anonymously, for:

  • free STI and HIV tests;
  • free hepatitis B vaccinations;
  • if you have any questions about sex

Risk of HIV?

Risk of HIV?

If you have had unsafe sex with a person who is (or may be) infected with HIV, then you too are at risk of being infected with HIV. A course of treatment would reduce your chance of being HIV-positive. This course is known as PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis). PEP involves four weeks of treatment with HIV-inhibitors.
Starting quickly is important: within 72 hours after you had unsafe sex.

Do you think you are eligible for PEP? If so, contact us immediately by phone. Unable to reach us? In that case, contact the nearest emergency care department, preferably one with an HIV treatment centre. In the Limburg region, this is Maastricht University Medical Centre.

Urgent questions about PEP or sexual violence?

If you have urgent questions, please contact us at:

088 - 880 50 72

Monday - Friday 8.00 - 12.15 hours
Monday and Wednesday 13.30 - 15.30 hours

We can't be reached?

In that case, contact the nearest emergency care department or GP out-of-hours surgery.

Contact MUMC Emergency Department

043 387 67 00 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

P. Debyelaan 25, 6229 IX Maastricht

For help with sexual violence contact Centrum Seksueel Geweld.